Greetings from the Director
The IPSNC is looking for partners to enrich our research efforts. In order to maintain and increase the samples of survey data, we are keen to find new partners for future collaboration. Detailed information is as follows:
Prospective Partners:
Universities (college or department), research institutes, government organizations, or private institutes that have ongoing related research.
Collecting 50 or more survey questionnaires from business people, scholars, and other qualified people about the competitiveness and business environment of their country.
The complete set of data for more than 60 countries/regions, in excel format, will be provided upon request for the participants’ academic or practical research.
Soft copy in PDF of National Competitiveness Research will be provided, so that participants can see the analysis of their survey data by comparing them with those of other countries.
The participants can submit articles on related topics. Selected articles will be published in this annual research volume or in the Journal of International Business and Economy (JIBE,